Lun. Oct 14th, 2024
Video: Provost’s Ethics Colloquium explores ethics of artificial intelligence
Video: Provost’s Ethics Colloquium explores ethics of artificial intelligence

There is a privacy. There is monitoring. There is an influence. Matthew DeCamp, a medical expert, and Colorado State University faculty explored the issues surrounding artificial intelligence during the annual Provost’s Ethics colloquium.

A panel discussion featuring faculty from Colorado State University who are conducting research on artificial intelligence was included in the keynote speech by DeCamp.

The keynote at the Lory Student Center included a historical overview of artificial intelligence and its impact on health care, as well as examining ethical issues involving facial recognition and large public datasets.

The software used to identify skin conditions can have performance issues for people with darker skin tones and women.

He shared that an algorithm wrongly concluded that Black patients needed less health care. He said that the bias occurred because the algorithm used health costs as a proxy for health needs, and that less money is spent on Black patients because of structural racism.

He said that artificial intelligence can sometimes be biased when a variable is taken out. I will make a fair algorithm. I will remove race and other obsessional variables from the equation. Yeah, guess what? Even if you have taken steps to take out rates, an artificial intelligence can figure out biases and perpetuate them, even if you have taken other steps.

The College of Health and Human Sciences has photos of themselves.

The purpose of the ethics colloquium was to promote cross-college conversations about ethics-related issues. The colloquium resumed this year after being paused during the Pandemic.

This year’s edition was sponsored by the Office of the Provost, Center for Ethics and Human Rights, and the Data Science Research Institute at CSU.

The Department of Atmospheric Science and Data Science Research Institute is headed by Elizabeth Barnes.
The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics is led by Jude Bayham.
The Department of Accounting and Center for Ethics and Human Rights are headed by Chris Becker.
The Department of Mathematics and the Department of Computer Science has Michael Kirby in it.
The Department of Computer Science and Data Science is headed by Nikhil Krishnaswamy.

A fascinating presentation and lively discussion on the role of artificial intelligence in our society and the future of its role in complex decision-making took place at the College of Health and Human Sciences after a feature on the ethics of artificial intelligence. It was a topic that was very high in interest.