Lun. Oct 14th, 2024

Will artificial intelligence ever discover new laws of physics?Astrophysical information can be used to identify the underlying equations. Physics researchers are attempting to create a way to enable machine theorists to discover more complex natural principles.

At the University of Cambridge in 1980, Stephen Hawking discussed the potential for a theory of everything that would combine general relativity with quantum physics. He anticipated that we would require computer assistance. He offered an intriguing assertion regarding the development of the machines. Stephen Hawking believes that theoretical physics may yet have a long future. Theoretical physicists may have it in their sights.

Since then, physicists have been cautious to employ artificial intelligence in their hunt for novel natural laws. They have no concern for their jobs. He might have been speaking with his tongue firmly in his cheek.

We have figured out how to translate physics into deep learning programs. We can extract relevant findings from large data sets by using artificial intelligence to discover hidden patterns. They are entering the discovery phase, according to Steve Brunton from the University of Washington.

Not to imply that Hawking was right. The ideal partners may have been discovered by physicists. Their current task is to determine which strategies from the human theorist’s playbook should be incorporated in machine counterparts in order to prevent them from running into the same problems.