Lun. Oct 14th, 2024
How Artificial Intelligence Swayed The Midterm Elections - And Will Become A Permanent Feature Of Democracy

A man voted on an electronic machine in Florida. Agence France-Presse via Robert SULLIVAN.

Agence France-Presse via Associated Press

The blue party was able to retain control of the Senate and blunt a Republican takeover of the House thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

According to professional fundraisers, the Democrats relied more on artificial intelligence to find donors than their Republican rivals, and they brought in more money from individual, small-dollar donors.


Data from sterling.

Martin Kurucz, who runs a Democratic data technology company, said that artificial intelligence will play an important role in democracy going forward.

Data analytics have been used in political fundraising for more than a decade, and automated systems that post on social media have long spread political messages. It’s new to use artificial intelligence to identify donors and maximize outreach efforts.

On the left side of the aisle, fundraisers are using artificial intelligence to predict who will donate to their cause, while on the right side, they are using artificial intelligence to maximize the efficiency of outreach to established lists of donors. The Republican approach may raise more money per donor, but they have less donors to raise from.

John Fetterman won a senate seat in Pennsylvania against Mehmet Oz, a Republican. Fetterman raised more money than Mehmet Oz in the next few years. More than half of Fetterman’s haul came from individual donors giving $200 or less, while only a third of Oz’s contributions came from such small-dollar donors.

Mr. Fetterman’s campaign was not the only one. In the small-dollar space, most statewide Democrats raised more than their GOP counterparts.

According to the Federal Elections Commission, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spent around $8.4 million on digital acquisition, while raising $88.6 million from unitemized small dollar contributions. The National Republican Congressional Committee spent $32 million on digital acquisition and raised less than double that amount in small dollar contributions.

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The Democrat advantage is more than just the fact that small-dollar donors on the left are typically more affluent than their Republican counterparts.

Digital ads have been the main way to find donors in the past decade. Digital advertising returns withered following Apple’s privacy measures that limited the tracking capabilities of digital advertisers. Artificial intelligence-driven donor targeting is the most effective and fastest means of email and mobile acquisition.

«No data analyst in the world can sort through tens of thousands of potential donors and figure out which are most likely to give money,» said Kurucz, whose firm helped both the DCCC and Fetterman.

«We have reached a point where anyone who can use a spreadsheet can use machine learning for data-driven decision-making.»

Artificial intelligence models can spot larger trends, predict online donations, and reprogram targeting in seconds, allowing campaigns to tailor their outreach in real-time.

Tom Newhouse, vice president of digital marketing at Convergence Media, said that they generate more revenue per donor than Democrats and that Apple’s changes have hurt Republicans’ donor prospecting strategies.

Users can drag and drop their data spreadsheets into the site using the no-code machine-learning website, Akkio analyzes the data and gives the user options for what they want to do. Each person is likely to give money.

A database of 30 million donors with 500 or more columns of information on everything from the kind of car each donor drives to which shows they watch has been built by the company. A model trained to spot donors for a particular candidate runs a subset of the data. The result is a prospective donor list that is ranked from least likely to give to the most likely to give it.

Jacob Geers, former managing director of Veracity Media, a digital strategy agency, said that the ease of using artificial intelligence made it possible for data firms to offer prices that were less expensive than the rest of the market.

Akkio allows organizations to scale in ways that were once impossible, crunching millions of data points in seconds, and prioritization the actions to take for maximum effect.

Jonathan Reilly is an actor.

Akkio is a person.

Jonathon Reilly said that anyone who can use a spreadsheet can use machine learning to make decisions. Non-technical users can use our platform to get value from their data.

The prioritized contact list is given to the candidate’s team in order to contact donors in the most efficient way possible.

Predicting who will donate if my candidate reaches out is the whole point, according to Kurucz, who said that Akkio’s model builds prospective donor lists that raise twice as much as lists built with other methods.

In the last cycle, artificial intelligence-driven donor acquisition has changed expectations for the speed of a return on investment in the industry. In the past, he said, it was usually 6 months or more before an email acquisition paid off in full. We’ve seen that increase rapidly with the new acquisitions.

The faster payoff allows campaigns to react more quickly and be more efficient with their budgets.

It takes thousands of hours to call potential donors. The firm uses natural language processing to read call notes and get new information about donors. Potential small-dollar donors are the ones who get the emails. Up and down the ballot, sterling data works with Democrats

It’s even harder to get a hold of a donor if you use an email or phone number.

There are a lot of different data sources that can be used to aggregate information on potential donors. The model is better if you get more information on potential donors.

The no-code approach will spread because it puts power in the hands of daily practitioners who don’t need expensive data scientists to achieve results. Akkio can be used to create and run artificial intelligence models on his laptop.

Newhouse says they use artificial intelligence in email and text messages to increase donations per donor, and that they use Iterable to do that. Republicans have yet to coalesce around a central set of tech tools that are shared across the board.

Republicans need to embrace artificial intelligence and data modeling to broaden their donor base.